If you spend hours and hours of studying, without improving your grades, or information retention, then learn how to study smart by Marty Lobdell. Lobdell taught Psychology at Pierce College in Washington State for 40 years. During Lobdell's career, he has taught tens of thousands of students and he wants students to succeed. After watching students cram for eight hours or more for a test without any improvement, Lobdell has developed a studying technique that helps the brain retain the information that you are studying in this video "Study Less, Study Smart"
Marty Lobdell – Study Less Study Smart
I had so many requests for my presentation “Study Less, Study Smart” that I wrote a book that covers all of the strategies on the video in greater depth and adds many more tips. Go to Amazon Books and search for Marty Lobdell, Study Less, Study Smart. Also available in Kindel format.
Thanks, Marty Lobdell
@кусок стекла 36:01
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Would have loved to study from you! Great presentation. Greetings from Germany.
When you reach a level of procrastination where instead of studying, you watch videos about studying.
@Ace The FireDragon I am really grateful you took the time to type this comment.
Thanks from the deepest parts of my heart.
I think this comment of yours motivated me more than a hour of listening to some random motivational speaker out there.
Although I have a goal in my mind but never really ponder upon it enough to feel this much excited to do something to achieve it. It was more like a “blurry image” or something like that.
( sorry if there are some mistakes as english is not my first language)
Me rn lmao
@St T. Everything you say if false. Watching videos is the best way to study. And school is a labor camp. Period no debate.
Gotta Love It!!!!
* *watches this video for 30 minutes* *
* *pauses* *
* *comes back later and continues for optimal learning* *
Hahahah this is exactly what I did
Yep same
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there you go
funny fact: 90% of the people who watched this will forget what they learned in this video and will keep having bad study habits.
I wrote some notes while watching this for the first time and copy-pasted someone else comments and added more to it.
00:15 – 1) Study break
-When you’re ready to study and start to feel that moment you’re wasting your time. Note the time and write it down.
-Typical time is 25-30 minutes
-Woman decided to study 6 hours a day 6pm to midnight 5 times a week and failed every class.
By the time she hit 630 she stopped studying effectively and the longer she studying the less reinforced it was.
-Positive and negative reinforcement, once you passed 30 minutes you start to hate studying and get bored thus stopping the effectiveness.
– It only takes 5 minutes to recharge. Study for 30 minutes then take a break for 5 minutes and do something you enjoy, listen to music have fun playing a game, enjoy somethign to reinforce positive vibes to studying.
07:50 – 2 Reward system
– When you’re done studying always reward yourself with something big. Treat yourself. to reinforce the memory.
10:19 – 3) Dedicated study area (Behavior Reinforcement)
-Studying in the bedroom will make you get bored after a bit and make you sleepy wanting to sleep. Sirens calling you from bed to take a nap. The primary function of the bedroom is to sleep.
-The primary function of the dining table/kitchen. Is eating.
-The primary function of the living room. Social/tv/games
-When asking you a direct question in a classroom setting you don’t raise your hand. You answer right away because of behavior training.
If he were to ask the whole class everyone would raise their hand but social cues with direct questions make you answer right away.
Because we are behaviourally reinforced to do so. Without knowing it.
-Take a lamp, write a sign on it that says Study lamp. And use it only for studying; only when you turn it on. The moment you start to lose your edge while studying(5-10-20-25-30 minutes later), turn off your lamp get up and walk away.
-Break it up into small chunks and reinforce it, create a study area.
19:49 – 4) Rote memorization vs. Active learning
-The more active you are in your learning the more effective. That doesn’t mean to keep reading it over and over or saying it over and over; Rote Memorization. Why you memorize and then forget later.
– The way to learn efficiently; Is it a concept or a fact? A fact is a discreet little piece of information. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis – Fact
Understanding what psychoanalysis is a concept. Understanding the name of a bone is a fact. Understand what it does in the body is a concept.
– If you know the concept you can always look up the fact after. Concepts are what make you effective at studying.
– Can you put the concept in your own words? If you can’t then you don’t really understand it. It’s not meaningful to you. Not making it meaningful is a struggle which is a waste of study time.
Example; sequence of letters APPYH HURSDAYT without writing it down say them back in the same sequence you won’t remember them.
Now try HAPPY THURSDAY Same letters but associated with something you will never forget the sequence of letters.
-Students were asked to remember words such as giraffe and elephant there was a list of 30 words one study group had to count the vowels of each word. the others had to associate the animal.
-Short term memory only lasts about 20 to 30 seconds
– Afterward, those who counted the vowels only remember 5/30 words. Those who associated the animal remembered 10/30. Twice as many.
32:49 – 5) Study groups
-Performance skyrockets in study groups. Can help each other with concepts. Learning tricks and tips etc.
33:58 – 6) Highlighting books (Recognition vs. Recollection)
-When you highlight the lines in a book you don’t actually remember when you go back to your lines you only recognize it.
36:37 – 7) Remembering (Recollection) —-
-You need to know the concept of the highlighted part of the book. If you can go back and reword it in your own concept and words. That’s when you will remember it and not just recognize it. Memorizing the line doesn’t help to learn.
36:57 – 8) Sleeping (REM Sleep)
– You can undo your good studying by not sleeping well. There is evidence for this. If you don’t get REM it will not become permanent. Better sleep stores permanent memories.
39:09 – 9) Taking notes
-Notes are vital
-The first moment after class you should sit down on your notes and expand on everything you jotted down to give it depth and flush out the useless information.
If you wait till later on it’s guaranteed you will forget some of your notes/concepts attached to it. Give yourself a heads up so you can recollect it and remember it by going over your notes right away
-If you forget a concept or don’t understand it on one of your notes after class, ask someone in your class. Or even ask your teacher to go over it and give you more examples.
41:20 – 10) Active Recitation
– The best way to learn is to teach someone. If you can’t teach someone, teach yourself in your mirror empty chair etc. It reinforces your learning.
If the person you’re telling doesn’t understand the concept and they ask you and you don’t know then you don’t understand the concept and should try to learn it again. To reinforce your learning.
-Writing it out in your own words helps as well.
– 80% of your study time is best reciting and 20% reading
43:22 – 11) Study from books (SQ3R = Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)
-Go through the chapter look at the pictures beforehand. Raise questions on what you are looking through and reading by Surveying the chapter. This will cause you to look for answers.
-Before a test should be review only. If you study early and apply the above principles you will be reviewing and learning instead of cramming and trying to memorize.
47:42 – 12) Mnemonics (Acronyms, Coin Sayings, Interactive Images)
– Easier then rote memorization and help more.
Sayings : Righty tighty lefty loosey
Interactive image is best of all
Protein 4 calories
Carbs 4 calories
Fat 9 calories
Car-Bo-Hy-drates 4 syllables or Car, Cars have 4 wheels
` Pro(tein) Car(bs) Pro-Car drivers ride 4 wheels
Fat Cat has 9 lives
The weirder the better for images.
When you take notes then realize you were inefficient because you’ll never be tested on it and will most likely go back to your old ways
thank you
YOU ARE MY HERO, thank you thank you tHaNk YoU ♥❤❤
thank you so much
Master summary
I took notes of the main points of this speech, and I wanna share them to anyone who can find them useful so you may not have to watch the whole video if you don’t have enough time.
1. Study on periods of half an hour and then go away and do whatever enjoyable thing you want for 5 minutes. Return to your desk and repeat (I personally find more useful the 50-10-50-10 minutes combo).
2. Have a desk especially for studying. Have a room especially for studying and working on your projects. Have a lamp, a chair, anything especially for studying. Don´t do other things in that environment. Go to other room or chair whenever you finish studying or working. Doing this makes your brain associate that environment with productivity, studying and working.
3. Don’t listen to music not designed especially for studying purposes (even classical one) while you’re studying. This is because you will find yourself giving part of your attention to the music or the lyrics, and you don’t want to do that. Be focused in only one thing at a time.
4. Learn to differentiate between concepts and facts. Facts can be forgotten. It´s natural. But the things you really wanna learn and keep in your mind are the concepts. How does it works, what is the function of it, how does it connect to other concepts; that´s where you wanna struggle with.
5. Learning something is about to put a concept in your own words. To be able to explain that concept to a friend, a partner of studying, whoever asks you for an explanation.
6. TAKE Notes! Your brain is not a Hard Drive.
7. Realize the difference between recognition and recollection. Our brains are extremely good “remembering” things (only recognizing) when we read again a passage after we virtually forgot it. The prove that you didn´t remember that is that you would´nt have idea of that content without the help that brought that old idea into your memory.
8. Sleep good. That´s the main way the brain consolidates long term memory into a permanent memory.
9. About notes. Right after class take 5-10 minutes to read and expand the notes. Make them deeper and explain the thing with your own words. If you don´t have anyone to explain or talk about it, write it down. That´s a very important factor on getting useless notes into usable notes.
10. Teach another person. If you´re teaching and you don´t remember something or you can´t get into a good explanation, then you know where are the gaps of information that you have and what do you have to study again or ask the teacher the next day. If you can´t or you don´t have anyone next to you, teach an empty chair. That´s nothing wrong with speaking out loud to nobody if you realize what you are doing. Or, again, write it down. Make a dialogue with an imaginary friend who asks questions and you have to answer those.
11. Textbooks. Use the SQ3R method: Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. First, you wanna know a textbook isn´t a novel. You can go to the last page and I guarantee you nobody will discover who killed the main character.
You can follow this path:
a) take a brief look to the chapter you wanna study, watch the images, look what is all going to be about.
b) Look for the main questions. Does the textbook have some questions at the end of a section or a chapter? Write them down. At least, remember them (but having both things in your brain [trying to remember the main questions and studying at the same time may be very hard to do] Or you can use the Closure Effect in your favor). Even if you write them, have those questions in your mind so when you´re reading the textbook you can find the answers and know what is important and what is not.
c) Read the bold words. Titles, sub-titles, names, main ideas, everything that is marked. If the author and editor market that, it means they want you to read and keep that information on particular.
d) Read the first and last sentence in every paragraph. It just works (not always, but if the paragraph is long, it will be useful). If the textbook is well written, the first sentence in the paragraph will be an introduction of the idea of the paragraph, and the last sentence will be an overview of what was all about. With that in mind, all your outlook of the topic will expand and there you´ll be ready for:
e) Read the whole thing.
f) Try to answer the questions you made before. If you can´t, don´t worry, because the next step is:
g) Re-read the chapter. This time with a marker and a pencil in your hands. You can mark, now that you know what are you looking for, the actual main ideas, and take notes in the edge of the page.
h) Finish answering the questions you made before, make new ones (you know what are the important topics you want to have an answer for), and
i) Make anything you want to explain the topic to a children. You have to explain it in your own words, using simple language a 6-year-old kid would understand. You can write a complete essay pretending being an expert on the topic, and every time you feel gaps in your explanation, go read the material again.
When you have your study done, you´ll have 3 materials to work with: a) a textbook with useful marks and edge-page notes, b) a list of the main questions of the topic answered, and c) an essay (or mind map, whatever) made entirely by you, explaining all of it from zero to one hundred percent.
12. Recall. Between each of the steps of last point (a to i), you may consider taking 30 seconds to one minute trying to remember everything you learned before only with your mind (close your eyes if you want). Try to remember as close as the original material as you can. Once you finished, go to the next step and repeat
13. Use mnemonics. If you struggle with knowing which of which two different, but similar words, is the one which does something, and if is that of the other one which does the opposite thing, use acronyms, associate those concepts with images, a coined phrase; be creative. That´s a good way to remember a very particular group of facts.
Books I recommend about this topic:
– A Mind for Numbers (Barbara Oakley)
– Atomic Habits (James Clear)
– How to take smart notes (Sönke Ahrens)
@Ryan Flanagan Thanks for loving Prophet Isa (a.s.) to the extent of worshipping him.
Thank you SO much
@Muhammad Farhan Brohan Jesus is God, The Bible is Gods’ perfect Word He deserves all praise ask The Holy Spirit to guide you in Jesus Name we pray amen do you believe in Jesus, are you saved? declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you are saved in Jesus Name we pray amen see romans 10-11 asking God’s guidance in The Holy Spirit as you read God’s perfect Word in The Bible as Jesus is The Living Word in Jesus Name we pray amen Jesus forgives us our sins, if we confess our sins Jesus is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness see 1 john 1 He alone saves all He alone is God, He is The Way The Truth The Life no one comes to The Father except through Him see john 14:6-7 asking God’s guidance in The Holy Spirit, God bless God Jesus The Holy Spirit love you and be with you now and forevermore in Jesus Name we pray amen
te odio bro, veo treces en todos lados y vos venís justo a tirar 13 puntos de un video de 1 hora :(, porque no 12 o 14 :/
Master summary
I’m 30 and this is relevant…anyone here during Covid?
yep December 2, 2020!
24, here during writers block. Everything is like 1’s and 0’s, but instead, its words… I needed this lol
Covid is bs.
yes mam!
Yes indeed
Literally all schools:
I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.
It is easy to say that when you don’t have 10 teachers giving you homework and ignoring the fact that you’re a human being.
@Michaela German um… nope. Still goes on in college, especially with engineering and science courses
@Odiggidydog dang I’m sorry
@Bly Davis Thanks
hi! imo it’ll be heaps better in college/university, most of the time the least amount of time they gave for assignments is a week so you definitely will have time to study. The struggle in uni is definitely not whether you have time to study it’s more whether you’re gonna use that free time to study.
I am taking applied physics and though the amount of assignments is still crazy (i got 10 assignments to do once and all were due the same week) I am able to breeze through them by just managing my time. (i did get annoyed though by the amount of assignments)
send them this video
When i was at 25:00 i found my self imagining how life could be if we didn’t have fingers.
I really need to get help
I took at least three breaks and I’m only at 20 minutes :/
@disney girl i am about to take one and not even three seconds in
I was expecting my break from this video to come at 25 minutes, I pause it; 16:00. Yeesh.
When i was at 25:00 i found my self imagining how life could be if we didn’t have fingers.
I really need to get help
Forget 25 minutes, I got distracted by my own thoughts after the 9-minute mark.😥
“study smart”
colleges: study everything, don’t skip, it’s all important
Then you gotta train it up.
– 9 minutes then 5 minute break for a few hours; then reward yourself if you did it properly.
Go for 10 minutes next session, then maybe 12-15 minutes the session after that and just keep repeating the process until you are happy with the duration you can sustain.
Hey it sounds like you earned a 5 minute break😂
SH*T. I should have watched this 10 years ago
It wasn’t uploaded 10 years ago.
Me too fml
@Gursharan Singh It depends on you.
@Gursharan Singh Happy for you.
My friend: So what did you do today?
Me: Just ya know sat in my rom listening to a man telling me to stop being stupid
And to stop studying lol
I’m here to see the comments section full of “Who else is here watching this instead of studying”
BTS army everywhere 😁😁😁
Most of us get to see some life changing opportunities but fear Creep into our minds with words like is it legit is it real is this another type of scam, it okay to have these thoughts,you should know without risk there no reward true there a lot of fake platforms and fake people that has take advantage of this good opportunities to fool people that’s doesn’t mean they aren’t legit platform out there I used to have this fear but I have to give it a try when I came across mrs Sarah I was marvel and amazed with her honesty and transparent trading process I was a novice in forex and binary options trade but with Sarah I felt like a pro i earned $48,000 weekly if you are interested in going into binary options trade ,forex and you are looking for a legit and transparent expert to put you through I highly recommend mrs Sarah Williams click on this below to contact her now https://wa.link/h6eq5w
When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel like being spammed by countless robots.
Most of us get to see some life changing opportunities but fear Creep into our minds with words like is it legit is it real is this another type of scam, it okay to have these thoughts,you should know without risk there no reward true there a lot of fake platforms and fake people that has take advantage of this good opportunities to fool people that’s doesn’t mean they aren’t legit platform out there I used to have this fear but I have to give it a try when I came across mrs Sarah I was marvel and amazed with her honesty and transparent trading process I was a novice in forex and binary options trade but with Sarah I felt like a pro i earned $48,000 weekly if you are interested in going into binary options trade ,forex and you are looking for a legit and transparent expert to put you through I highly recommend mrs Sarah Williams click on this below to contact her now https://wa.link/h6eq5w
When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.
Most of us get to see some life changing opportunities but fear Creep into our minds with words like is it legit is it real is this another type of scam, it okay to have these thoughts,you should know without risk there no reward true there a lot of fake platforms and fake people that has take advantage of this good opportunities to fool people that’s doesn’t mean they aren’t legit platform out there I used to have this fear but I have to give it a try when I came across mrs Sarah I was marvel and amazed with her honesty and transparent trading process I was a novice in forex and binary options trade but with Sarah I felt like a pro i earned $48,000 weekly if you are interested in going into binary options trade ,forex and you are looking for a legit and transparent expert to put you through I highly recommend mrs Sarah Williams click on this below to contact her now https://wa.link/h6eq5w
“Lectures and studying shouldn’t be longer than 25-30 mins.”
*Makes an hour seminar
I took a 5 minute break at 30:00
@vinocet that was funny 😂
Breaked @30:00
I also took a break to take notes (several even)
Me, for every single meal of my entire life:
Literally all schools:
I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.
When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.
When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.